get off the street

The homeless are people who find themselves on the street due to family conflicts, fraud, job loss and health problems.

  • Art without a home
    Art without a home
  • How to save a donation to Nochlezhka
    Payments and donations: how to continue helping
  • Shelter for the Elderly
    We need the funds to further furnish the shelter, to hire the necessary personnel and to buy the missing utility supplies. Your regular donations will help us plan the shelter’s work for months to come with confidence
  • Counselling Service
    needed so that our social workers and lawyers can help a person restore documents, challenge a fraudulent transaction, or return home to another city
  • Rehabilitation shelter
    needed for a homeless person to spend a day at the Rehabilitation Shelter, where social workers, lawyers and psychologists help him or her return to normal life
  • Night Shelter
    help us accommodate a person at Night Shelter, provide them with a safe place to sleep, dinner, and the opportunity to wash up and tidy their clothes
  • Night bus
    we need to be able to feed a homeless person at the Night Bus stop, give him hygiene products and offer help from volunteer doctors
  • Neravnodush
    needed for a homeless person to take a shower, wash and dry their clothes, as well as get a haircut and a shave
  • Cultural Launderette
    needed for a homeless person to wash and dry their clothes at Cultural Launderette of Nochlezhka
  • Halfway Home
    needed for a person to spend a day at Halfway Home, which is a rehabilitation shelter for homeless with alcohol addiction, with the support of psychologists and peer counselors
  • Heating points
    we need to be able to accept one person for an overnight stay at Heating Points, where during the cold season the homeless can save life and health

Letters about the life of Nochlezhka with the main news twice a month

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